Commercial Real Estate Drone Services & Pricelist

Sell real estate listings faster and attract more clients by showcasing your commercial property from the air. High quality aerial footage – such as panoramas, images, and video tours – illustrate your properties’ proximity to nearby amenities, roads, and features. Drone4Hire, LLC has coastal South Carolina covered and offers affordable CRE packages and volume discounts on high resolution aerial photography and videography services.


Commercial Real Estate standard prices per listing


Pano Package $250 One 360° interactive Panorama

Images Package $250: 10 High resolution aerial images

PRO Package $470: 15 High resolution aerial images, 1 High definition aerial video clips.


Shopping Centers

Strip / Convenience / Neighborhood / Community Centers pricing per center (up to 400,000 sq ft)

Pano Package $250: One 360° interactive Panorama

Images Package $375: 15 High resolution aerial images

PRO Package $625: 15 High resolution aerial images, 5 High definition aerial video clips.


Regional & Super Regional Centers pricing per center (400,000+ sq ft)

Pano Package $250: One 360° interactive Panorama

Images Package $500: 25 High resolution aerial images

PRO Package $1075: 25 High resolution aerial images, 7 High definition aerial video clips.

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