All cancellation and mission update requests should be submitted 24 hours prior to the scheduled flight date to avoid any cancellation fees. For requests that fall within 24 hours of flight, we will attempt to accommodate if possible, but do not guarantee cancellation or update. If the pilot is already on-site or traveling to the site, and you choose to proceed with the cancellation, a $50 fee will be applied for the pilots time and travel.
No refunds shall be granted by Drone4Hire after a Mission has been completed with our Pilot. Should the unfortunate case occur where your assets do not pass our quality standards, our team will work to reschedule flight for the next weather permitting date, when appropriate.
In the event you are unsatisfied with your assets, please contact us at no more than 7 days after assets are made available. Our Team reviews each case thoroughly and will provide a response within 24-48 hours.
While we strive to provided the best possible assets for each Mission, there are some conditions outside our control that may not qualify for a re-shoot: shadows, location activity, specific on-site shot direction/requests, haze, sun glare, and FAA imposed altitude restrictions.
Should our pilot be denied property access and is turned away from the site, there will be a $95 add-on cost for our pilot to return to the location for flight. Because of this, we’d ask that you ensure flight permission is granted prior to the mission scheduled date to help avoid this fee.
Feel free to reach out to our team at any time should you have a question about your assets!